The focus of our resource groups are to teach and enhance ways of reducing stress levels for groups and organizations.

  • Deep Breathing

    Breathing is a natural process. Besides the physical benefits of deep, mindful, controlled breathing, this practice benefits the mind and spirit as well. Deep breathing induces calm and inner serenity. It also fosters balance and equilibrium in emotional experience and releases the build up of stress. Breathing is under the conscious and autonomic control that is responsible for top down and bottom up regulation.

  • Tapping

    In tapping we focus on brief bilateral stimulation to enhance resources that allow us to address specific situations and experiences.

  • Imagination

    It all begins with an idea. Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” In guided imagery practices we can learn how to find balance as we engage the emotional and rational experiences of daily living. With imagination we can improve productivity and overall sense of wellbeing.